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I don't know about you, but this dark time of the year has felt particularly heavy to me. Where I'm living, there have been grey skies without rain or snow for the last few months, with only a few days of sunshine scattered here and there.  This, combined with the weight of collective sufferings, wounds from my past arising, unexpected expenses, headaches, and some seemingly unending tech issues has left me feeling quite depleted to say the least! It's times like these when I rely the most on essences. (I'm planning on shooting a video soon about the role essences can play during these times and my experience with feelings of depletion + what that feeling is pointing to.)

Rising is inspired by the feeling of springtime. That moment when you see the first buds on the tree, or a bright yellow daffodil greeting you after a long winter. The image I saw when making this month’s medicine was that of a hand reaching out, offering support after you’ve taken a fall.

This feeling of springtime doesn't just relate to the seasons, it relates to our internal seasons as well. Imagine how it feels for Persephone to surface from the depths of the Underworld each spring... remember those moments in your life when you've emerged from difficult times or deep feelings of grief and you can see clearly again...

My intention for Rising is that it'll be a support during those time where you're looking for a guiding hand.

Hoping you all are well this day & everyday 🌻

ingredients: extracts of orange peel + bee balm. essences of daffodil, crocus, lilac, dandelion, sunflower, pearl, + petunia. raw honey.

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