Winter Solstice Elixir

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Screenshot 2024-01-11 at 11.30.19 AM.png

Winter Solstice Elixir

Sale Price:$15.55 Original Price:$22.22

In a world obsessed with constant movement, distraction, and perceived pleasure, this, the darkest time of the year is often disliked. For many, it can feel uncomfortable to rest, to spend time with their own thoughts, and to direct their attention inwards. But the winter solstice and the surrounding weeks are the best time of year for this kind of reflection.

Paradoxically, this time also marks the return of the sun! We find most traditions around the world celebrate this return, often with the use of candles (light). This is a time where we’re encouraged to gather with loved ones, share in decadent foods, decorate our homes inside and out, and to give and receive gifts of all kinds.

It’s an acknowledgment that even during the darkest of days, we must remember the beauty and abundance of LIFE.

For this solstice blend, I’ve brought in essences traditionally associated with Yule. They are intended to rouse resilience, hope, and introspection.

These essences are combined with extracts of vanilla and rosemary, which have been added for clarity, joy, and inspiration.

It’s my hope that this elixir brings balance to your mind and spirit during these dark days and encourages releasing the old to make way for the new.

Last day to sign up for a bottle is November 30th. You’ll be receiving your bottle during the first week of December. Herbal Care Package & Self-Care tiers receive it.

ingredients: essences of holly, hellebore, + yew. extracts of rosemary + vanilla in organic vodka. spring water.

keywords: hope, clarity, balance, joy, introspection, resilience, releasing to make space for the new

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